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Pantum′s new warehouse in Holland established


Holland, and Mr. Robertson, Governor of Utrecht visited Ninestar Group (Holland) B.V. They had an in-depth communication with the staffs of Ninestar Image and Pantum International. And they particularly visited the over 5000sqm’s newly established Warehouse for Pantum Printers which will be officially in use in 2012.Mr. Robertson, Mr. Zhang Jun and Mr. Shi Ying, General Manager of Ninestar Group (Holland) B.V.

Ninestar Group (Holland) B.V. is one of the largest China-invested enterprises. After Mr Robertson’s visit to the head office of Ninestar Group in Zhuhai China, he had been trying to invite the officers in the embassy to visit Ninestar Group (Holland) B.V.

During the visit, Mr. Shi Ying, General Manager of Ninestar Group (Holland) B.V. introduced the guests that after 7 years of dedication, Ninestar Group (Holland) B.V. has realized domestic development and is getting international. The guests were really pleased about the launch of Pantum - “The first created in China” laser printer, and Mr. Zhang Jun recommended to showcase the printers in 2012 annual celebration of the embassy. Mr. Robertson also expressed his gratitude to Mr. Zhang Jun for his outstanding achievement in developing the business relationship between China and Holland. And he will try his best to support the Ninestar Group’s development in Europe.

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